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Features overview

This page describes the improvements brought by KtMongo over the official drivers. If you're interested in a comparison with KMongo, see the dedicated page.

Query DSL and optional filters

A typical scenario is to filter data based on criteria passed by the user. In this example, we'll be searching for users of a given last name, with an optional minimum age filter.

First, let's declare our classes to represent the data we're working with. The drivers will automatically deserialize documents to these classes.

class User(
    val _id: String,
    val name: UserName,
    val age: Int,

class UserName(
    val firstName: String,
    val lastName: String,

Let's implement this request with the official drivers.

With the official Java driver
Bson filter = eq("name.lastName", lastName);

if(minAge !=null)
filter =

and(filter, gt("age", minAge));



The official drivers use the builder pattern. In this example, reference mutability is used to incrementally create the filter.

This example is hard to maintain:

  • Field names, and their hierarchy, are passed as strings: when refactoring code, requests risk being outdated.
  • Filters are of the type Bson: the type doesn't help us verify that the request actually applies to the contents of the collection. If we accidentally use a function made for another collection, its filters may apply in different ways or not apply at all if the field names are different.
  • There are no type checks: we could try to compare the name field with a String, which would give no results since it is a child document.
  • The structure of the request is not immediately visible at a glance, due to being spread over the condition.

Now, let's rewrite this example with KtMongo:

With KtMongo
users.find {
    User::name / UserName::lastName eq lastName
    User::age gtNotNull minAge

A few improvements have been made to simplify the request:

  • Referring to fields is done by writing a reference to the actual fields, meaning we can find all requests using a field by clicking on it in our IDE.
  • Refactoring fields will correctly update all requests using them.
  • Operator arguments are type-checked, so we cannot compare a field with an incompatible type.
  • The structure of the request is immediately visible, and the $and operator is implied by the presence of multiple arguments.
  • The gtNotNull operator handles the optional filter for us.
  • Only filters that apply to the collection being searched in can be specified in the find block, we cannot accidentally use filters meant for another collection.

These various improvements make the final request much easier to read and understand at a glance.