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Update data

Before retrieving data, you must connect to the database and obtain a collection.

Let's assume we have the following class:

class User(
    val name: String,
    val age: Int,

Updating multiple documents

To update all elements in a collection, use updateMany:

collection.updateMany {
    User::age set 18

To update only specific documents, add a filter:

    filter = {
        User::name eq "Bob"
    update = {
        User::age set 18

Alternatively, create a filtered collection to avoid the two-lambda syntax:

    .filter { User::name eq "Bob" }
    .updateMany { User::age set 18 }

Updating a single document

To update a single document, use updateOne instead. The syntax is identical.

If you'd like to atomically update and retrieve a document, use findOneByUpdate. See its option to decide between retrieving the document before or after the update.

Inserting a document if it doesn't exist

When using updateOne with a filter, the operation does nothing if the filter doesn't exist. If, instead, you want to create the document if it doesn't exist, use upsertOne:

    filter = {
        User::name eq "Bob"
    update = {
        User::age set 18

If there exists a document with a name of "Bob", it is updated. If none exist, the following document is created:

    "name": "Bob",
    "age": 18

Not all filter expressions are added to the created object. To learn more, visit upsertOne's documentation.

upsertOne is also compatible with filtered collections.